The COST Action “Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics” was officially launched on October 10, 2023. This new EU-funded research network covers a broad range of topics in quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, geometry and information theory. The Action provides networking opportunities for researchers, especially those located in COST Countries, in the form of support to workshops, schools and conferences, and of funding of short-term scientific missions.
The first Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions is now open, covering visits from Jan 8 till July 30, 2024. This call is open to researchers with an academic affiliation in any of the COST Countries, provided they are registered to one of the workgroups. Junior researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) are particularly encouraged to apply. The application deadline is December 12, 2023, see the Action website for more details. Note that the Action STSM Call is separate from the IRN:QFS STSM calls.
The Action Kick-off Meeting will take place at University of Padova, 13-15 May 2024. Financial support will be available for Action members (by application). Details will be also announced on the website [4] in due course.
Researchers interested in taking part in these activities are invited to apply to join the Action. Please visit the Action Portal and select “Apply to join your Working Groups of interest” on the right-side tab. Only a brief description of scientific background and research interests is required.