CNRS extends support for another 5y

We are thrilled to announce that CNRS has extended its support to IRN:QFS till December 2029, beyond the initial period Jan 20-Dec 24 for which the network was originally approved.

As of January 1st, 25, four new institutions will join as official partners: the Institute for Theoretical Physics in KU Leuven, the Kadanoff center for Theoretical Physics at Chicago University, the Walter Burke Center for Theoretical Physics at Caltech and the Kavli Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at University of Tokyo. Beyond these official partners, more than 100 institutions worldwide participate at an informal level.

We are looking forward to new exciting collaborations and scientific events in the next five years and beyond !

Call for Short Scientific Visits 2022

We are glad to announce the opening of the first call for Short Scientific Visits within IRN:QFS. The aim is to support short visits (less than 2 weeks) to a few partners who have agreed to earmark some limited fund for this program. The call is open to members of any of the institutions participating in IRN:QFS, with emphasis on junior scientists. The deadline for the first call, covering visits due to take place between July 15 and Dec 31st, 2022, is now postponed to June 17, 2022. See this page for more details.

Eurostrings 2022, April 25-29, Lyon

The conference Eurostrings 2022 will take place at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon, from April 25 to April 29, 2022. It is part of a cycle of yearly conferences gathering researchers from all over Europe and elsewhere, working in the areas of quantum field theory, string theory, quantum gravity and related topics.  Registration is now open, with a reduced fee available till March 18.

Kick-off virtual meeting of IRN:QFS, June 9-11, 2021

The kick-off meeting of IRN:QFS, initially due to take place in Tours on May 18-20, 2020, will finally take place virtually on June 9-11, 2021, mornings only. The scientific program will consist of one review talk each morning, followed by short presentations by postdocs from the french community. Attendance is open to all members of institutions participating in the network. Please register to receive the connection details.

IRN:QFS is born !

IRN:QFS, the International Research Network on Quantum Fields and Strings, has been approved by CNRS on January 24, 2020. It gathers about 200 scientists from 80 research institutes throughout the world.

Negociations are under way with a handful of official foreign partners to establish Memoranda of Understanding. Meanwhile, the IRN:QFS network is up and ready for fruitful exchange of information and knowledge !