Publications and preprints:
- ArXiv, the main outlet for scientific preprints in physics and beyond
- HEP-Inspire, which indexes all papers and preprints in high energy physics
- Arxiv-Sanity Preserver, an overlay for collective browsing of arxiv/hep-th
- MathSciNet, which indexes all papers in mathematics
Repositories of lectures from various institutions:
- KITP Online Talks
- Simons Center Video Portal
- Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive
- Institute for Advanced Study Video Lectures
- Galileo Galilei Institute YouTube channel
- String Theory in Greater Paris YouTube channel
- IHES-video
- Institut Henri Poincaré
- Gravity, Quantum Fields and Information Seminars at AEI
- ICTS String Seminars Youtube Channel
- Mathematical Science Institutes