CNRS partners

Official partnerships between CNRS and the following institutions have been established:

Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London (contact: Prof. D. Waldram)

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam (contact: Prof. J. de Boer)

String Theory Group, Polytechnico and University of Torino (contact: Prof. A. Ceresole)

Center for Mathematical Physics, DESY and Hamburg University (contact: Prof. V. Schomerus)

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University (contact: Prof. Z. Komargodski)

Mani Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Los Angeles (contact: Prof. Z. Bern)

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore (contact: Prof. R. Gopakumar)

School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (contact: Prof. P. Yi)