COST Kick-off meeting, Padova, 13-15/5/2024

The kickoff conference of the COST Action Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics will take place at University of Padova on May 13-15, 2024. The meeting will feature vision talks covering the latest advances in theoretical and mathematical high-energy physics as well as a poster session for junior participants.  Funding will be available for a limited number of participants through the COST action. See the conference website for further details and registration.

Eurostrings 2024-FPUK, 2-6/9/2004

The Eurostrings 2024 meets Fundamental Physics UK conference will take place at University of Southampton on Sep 2-6, 2024. The conference aims to bring together researchers from continental Europe and the UK (and elsewhere!) by combining two annual conferences, Eurostrings and Fundamental Physics UK (FPUK). The latter is an STFC-funded virtual theory centre, which coordinates theoretical physicists in the UK who work on formal topics in fundamental physics. The conference will contain review talks, plenary sessions and parallel sessions, with opportunities to contribute talks, both in plenary and in parallel sessions. We invite anyone (especially junior researchers) to submit an abstract for a contributed talk during registration. More details coming soon.